Archive for the 'art' Category

shaye st. john

February 10, 2013

Back in about 2000 – 2004 or so, I was on LiveJournal a lot, and through a friend I met a most fascinating person named Shaye St. John. Shaye created and starred in movies I had never before seen the likes of….deeply disturbing, at times hillariously funny, movies that made statements about our consumer culture and commercialism, about celebrity obsession, about outsiders and the shunned and disabled and unwanted. Shaye herself was very mysterious, and although she could be seen on videos and she blogged quite a lot on LiveJournal, her origins and location, and the story of her life were never revealed. Shaye was an internet celebrity and instant phenomena among all who took the time to read her blogs or watch her movies.

Who or what Shaye was exactly was a topic of discussion among me and a few friends. Was she a puppet? A truly handicapped and/or amputated person inside of a rigged costume of some kind? A little person? A man, a woman? Were these movies the result of the inner workings of a truly disturbed person or performance art, or maybe a little of both? We knew she was friends with Carl Crew and speculated that maybe Carl Crew was actually Shaye….and we also saw a name associated with some of the movies: Eric Fournier….who we didn’t know from LiveJournal or anywhere else, but were very curious about.

Shaye’s website:

Somehow out of our LiveJournal association, Shaye and I struck up an email correspondence. We talked about many different things, her for the most part keeping up the Shaye persona, but sometimes letting it drop a bit. I tried my best to stay respectful of her wish to keep an air of mystery around herself even though my curiosity was intense! She seemed to be online a lot….often late at night, or overnight. Sometimes I thought I could feel a kind of sadness or loneliness coming from her, of the staying up all night by yourself on the internet variety. She loved seeing pictures of my son River and especially liked one I sent her of him wearing a feather boa. We got around to discussing Shaye as an art project eventually, and one thing that she told me that I remember very clearly is that the fact that none of her videos contained blood, extreme violence or gore, no swearing, yet were able to scare and creep out so many people was something she took pride in and strove towards. I don’t remember a lot of what else we wrote to each other about. I do remember at one point when she slipped out of the Shaye persona and said to me, “You are a person who really “gets me” as an artist, you understand what I am doing and what I am about.” and I felt like that was the one of the biggest compliments I ever could have gotten.

At one point she asked me to make some digital recordings of my son making noises and send them to her, which I did happily. I can’t remember if Shaye asked me to have him say “Kiki!” (the name of one of her doll companions,) or if I prompted him to do it…however the result of the recordings I sent her was a song called “Kiki – AHHHH!” – a version of which ended up on her dvd “Shaye St. John – the Triggers Compilation.” The version of the song on the dvd was redone with my son’s voice taken out and a digital voice replacing it. At one point after she had made the original song, she asked me if I could send her more sounds made by my son – maybe asking him to say “Help me!” or sound scared or something like that. I was all about to do it, then for some reason I was hesitant about it and I don’t remember why. Maybe I didn’t feel good about the idea of a song going out that sounded like child torture…..maybe the fact that I really didn’t know one single thing about who Shaye was, or who the person behind her was, gave me pause… anyway it never happened, and I do regret that I didn’t carry on with what she wanted. After that things kind of died down a bit between us. I believe she asked me one time about the song, if she published it would I care, maybe if I would sign a release and things like that and I remember telling her to go ahead and use it, but she must not have felt 100 percent around that because the version that did come out publicly was the one with the digital voice:

Between 2004 and 2009 we occasionally exchanged friendly “what’s up” greetings online…..and in the summer of 2010 I was informed that Shaye had passed away. That Shaye was in fact an artist named Eric Fournier who was my age, and who struggled with alcoholism and eventually lost that battle.

Somewhere, on one of my old computers, I believe I have the original song file of “Kiki – AHHH!” and also I am hoping to find some of our correspondence. I would like to put the song in its original form online for Shaye’s fans to hear and appreciate. I would not share any private correspondence, however I would like to have it to re-read it.

A very good friend sent me a link to the video below earlier this month….which I just got around to watching today, with interest and amazement….maybe Shaye did not perish with Eric after all! The very thought of it is mind blowing. Shaye….if you’re out there….struggling in the witness protection program…..know that I am thinking of you often and praying for your swift return.

project x

January 29, 2013


Something New

So…this morning I get a message from an artist friend who asked me and several other friends if we would be interested in modelling for “erotic/alter ego” photographs of the classy and artistic variety. I shoved any hesitation to the bottom of my awareness and said YES. Enthusiastically. And as conversation developed, I further volunteered to get completely naked for this project. Because why? I have no idea what part of my psyche was telling me to jump into this project and take it as far as possible! I have never done anything like this before. But….I think it might be about risk taking….proving to myself I can do it? Not being afraid or ashamed of my 45 year old post babies body?….who knows. I feel enthusiastic now – hopefully I stay that way. Actually my biggest fear is being enthusiastic all the way through until I see the pictures!! And then suddenly realize how old and flabby I am AND that everyone else who sees these pictures is going to see that too! I think I am the 2nd oldest woman in this group….but I guess the idea is to show real women…and provide a medium through which we can each make peace with whatever body issues we might have. We will all have input into our own pictures if we wish.

It’s been interesting how things have developed throughout this first day even….it went from G’s idea and wanting to photograph….to everyone kind of chiming in their thoughts and ideas….to deciding it should be a total art project…to now, where we have a pinterest board upon which we are all posting erotic photographs of women of all shapes and sizes in various states of undress….(almost 200 photos already as I write this!) ..and as a result of seeing who was posting what, we started talking about specific interests and questions around that kind of thing….”will anyone be triggered by pictures of bound women?” – “why is an exposed vulva so taboo in a non pornographic nude picture?” – stuff like that. This could actually turn out to be a really cool and kind of therapeutic thing, I think. Well, if nothing else it should at least inspire me to get back to the gym on a regular basis. =P